MAPS Air Museum is a “working” Museum.  What does that mean?  Many of the aircraft that MAPS receives are dilapidated and need a lot of restoration work.  Due to that, this means many volunteer hours are not just going toward general maintenance/upkeep on aircraft, but also on continuous work to refurbish these aircraft to museum status. 

The aircraft under refurbishment at MAPS are at varying stages of repair or maintenance.  Anywhere from a completed aircraft that needs basic general maintenance, all the way down to extremely deteriorated aircraft that are dismantled to its base fuselage for work to be done. When one is complete, MAPS finds more aircraft to refurbish before they deteriorate too much.  Many are rare to find and/or heavily deteriorated. 

As an example, our B-26 Marauder of the WWII era required more than 13,500 volunteer worker-hours to repair.  This aircraft crash landed in early 1942, in British Columbia, Canada and stayed there for a long time before anyone attempted to revive this rare aircraft.  This aircraft at MAPS is only 1 of 4 fully refurbished aircraft on display in the world (only 1 of which is flyable) and another 3 at various degrees of repair.

Here you will find a listing of the types of aircraft, mostly military, that are in various stages of refurbishment or maintenance.  A few aircraft are in our restricted Restoration building for heavy repairs. While many others are awaiting their turn to be fully restored, you can still see many of these aircraft on display at MAPS. 

MAPS Air Museum attains their aircraft through purchases, but also through indefinite loan agreements from many entities, such as: private collections, the M.A.R.C group, McKinley Museum and the United States Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force.  Below the list of aircraft are the Before/After photos from how the aircraft arrived at MAPS and what they look like after their renovations at MAPS!


Aircraft NameBuilt by:Status of AircraftSerial or
Bureau #
Crew ChiefRole (primary listed first)
A-4ASkyhawkDouglasOn Display139947Jim JacksonGround Attack, Fighter
A-7ECorsair IILing-Temco-Vought (LTV)On Display159268Kim KovesciGround Attack
A-26CInvaderDouglasOn Display43-22602Ken RamsayGround Attack
A-37ADragonflyCessnaOn Display54-2732n/aTrainer
AH-1SCobraBellOn Display70-16084Jim BoyeaHelicopter (Ground Attack)
B-26BMarauderMartinOn Display40-1459Dave PawskiGround Attack
B-75-LFunk Model BAkron AircraftOn display in CAK airport terminal205n/aHistoric
BT-13AValiantVulteeOn Display41-21271John HarrisTrainer
C-47DSkytrain (Gooney Bird)DouglasOn Display45-928Ron DuplainTransport
C-130HHerculesLockheedOn Display88-4401n/aTransport
EA-6BProwlerNorthrop GrummanOn Display163047n/aSpecialty (Electronic Warfare/Ground Attack)
F-4SPhantomMcDonnell DouglasOn Display155764Ken OlingerFighter, Ground Attack
F-11FTigerGrummanOn Display57-0342Jack HastingsFighter
F-14BTomcatGrummanOn Display162694Carl BergsneiderFIghter, Ground Attack
F-16A Fighting FalconGeneral DynamicsOn Display80-0513Clay ToberFighter, Ground Attack
F-84FThunderstreakRepublicOn Display52-6524Paul GatesGround Attack, Fighter, Reconnaissance
F-86ASabreNorth AmericanOn Display48-0263Chet StarnFighter
F-86DSabre DogNorth AmericanOn Display, cockpit only52-3927n/aFighter
F-86D/LSabre DogNorth AmericanOn Display53-0658Kent KleinknechtFighter
F-100DSuper Sabre (Hun)North AmericanOn Display56-3081Ken RamsayGround Attack, Fighter
F-100FSuper Sabre (Wild Weasel)North AmericanAwaiting transportation approval to MAPS56-3899n/a2-seat trainer, Ground Attack
F-101FVoodooMcDonnellOn Display57-0342Kent KleinknechtFighter
F-102ADelta Dagger ConvairOn Display56-0986Larry LewisFighter
F-104DStarfighterLockheedRestricted area for significant restoration57-1322tbd
F-105BTunderchief (Thud)RepublicOn Display57-5820George ShearwoodGround Attack, Fighter
F7U-3CutlassVoughtRestricted Area for Significant
129685TBDFighter, Bomber
F9F-8PCougarGrummanOn Display144402Ronald SchultzSpecialty (Photo Recon)
FG-1DCorsairGoodyearRestricted Area for Significant Restoration76671Don NeidertFighter, Bomber
GA-22ADrakeGoodyearOn Display4040Wayne NoallOne of a Kind
GZ-22Spirit of AkronLoralOn Display4120Don NeidertSpecialty (Non-rigid Airship/blimp)
H-19DChickasawSikorskyOn Display54-1412Jerry Patton and PLCCHelicopter (Utility)
HawkArrow IICGS AviationOn Displayn/an/aSpecialty (Ultralight/Light Transport)
PiperOn Display3026n/aTrainer
L-29Delfin or MayoAero VodochodyOn Display892-828Dave SandersTrainer, Ground Attack
Lim-2 (SB)MidgetPZL-MielecOn Display526-116n/aFighter
Lim-6bisFrescoPZL-MielecOn Display1J-04-19Tony BistranskyFighter
MartinGliderMartin On Displayone of a kindBruce BaloughHistoric
MiG-21F-13 (Aero S-106)Fishbed-CAero VodochodyOn Display506301Carl BergsneiderFighter
OH-58AKiowaBell On Display69-16153Jim BoyeaHelicopter (Observation, Reconnaissance)
OV-1AMohawkGrummanOn Display63-13128Clay ToberObservation, Ground Attack
P-51MustangNorth AmericanOn MAPS Entrance polen/aRon DuplainFighter
Pitts S-1Pitts SpecialHome BuiltOn Display149-HJohn HarrisSpecialty (Aerobatic)
PT-19ACornellAeroncaOn Display43-31365Clay ToberTrainer
S2F-1TrackerGrummanOn Display136464Kim KovesciSpecialty (Anti-Submarine)
SNB-5ExpeditorBeechcraftOn Display43-33316Chet StarnTrainer, Transport
Sopwith Tri-PlaneTripehoundHome Built On Display001Bill WoodallHistorical (Fighter)
T-28ATrojanNorth AmericanOn Display51-3565Tony BistranskyTrainer, Ground Attack
T-33AShooting StarLockheedOn Display53-5250n/aTrainer
T-37BTweetCessnaOn Display60-0188Paul GatesTrainer
U-11A (PA-23-150)Aztec (Apache)PiperOn Display23-894n/aLiaison

Click HERE to see what else is being renovated with our facility projects!


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