Saturday, June 12, 2021 (Rain date — Saturday, August 21, 2021)
Gates open to show vehicles ONLY – 8:00 AM
Gates open to the public – 9:30 AM
Show ends – 4:00 PM
NOTE: As of 6/11/21 ~ MAPS no longer requires masks to attend the museum or events.
ADMISSIONS (Includes admission to the museum)
Display vehicle (and 1 passenger) admission – $15.00 per vehicle.
Adult general admission – $10.00 per individual
Children under 12 – free
This is a special event – coupons and other discounts are not valid.
General admission parking will be provided separate from the show area.
Dash plaques will be given to the first 300 show vehicles.
Food vendors will be present at the event.
Door prizes will be provided.
A 50/50 raffle will be conducted during the event.
There will be no pre-registration for this event.
No tents/shelters of any kind allowed on the show field.
No alcohol will be permitted on the premises.
No pets will be allowed unless they are licensed service animals. (Owners are responsible for cleaning up after service animals.)