From Ken Ramsay:
The F-105 tanks are coming along. Lots of rivet drilling and body putty (photo).
The Corsair tail wheel assembly has been trial fitted to the aft fuselage. Looks really good (2 photos).
The MK 13 torpedo is now located under the B-26 (above photo). Eventually it will be mounted on the fuselage center beam.
Chet has decided to paint the Beech’s engine cowls black and red (photo). Going to look really nice when installed.
We filled the F-105 tank fin tips with foam (photo). We will finish the tips with body putty for a nice smooth look.
Jim continues to work on the new sliding doors for the east side of the restoration building (photo). Now we need a couple of nice days. Lots of luck in Ohio in December-February.
Here are 2 photos of the installed TOW missiles on the Cobra (photos). 4 more are in fabrication.
The curator’s department came up with a Battle of the Bulge display. They nailed it (2 photos).