Renovation Activities ~ As of 1/19/23
January 19, 2023
Renovation Activities ~ As of 1/30/23
January 30, 2023From Ken Ramsay:
- Been working on the Super Sabre Memorial Exhibit (SSME) yesterday and today. Some years ago a Super Sabre Quilt was created and auctioned off at one of the Super Sabre reunions. It has been donated to the SSME and yesterday Mike and I hung it on the wall (photo above also).
- We are working on the first skin repair for the Cutlass wing. Rather than make 3/8 thick skin we shimmed up the edges and are applying a reinforced .050 skin. PVC shim around the opening.
- Reinforced skin.
- Skin in place, not yet attached.
- On Saturday primed half of the ailavator to see how it looks. Not too bad.
- Work continues on the Corsair’s aft wing strut. Compound curves require a lot of planning.
- Dave continues to work on the trim tabs for the Corsair.