From Ken Ramsay:
- Work continues on our F-105 “Patches.” More patches are being removed and new flush patching is being applied (2 photos). The airplane has been moved into the hanger so work can continue in the cold weather.
- Dan and I finished working on the F-86A’s light sockets and installed LED bulbs. Wires have been run from the tail lights to an area just behind the gear well. A test was run and the tail lights work.
- We did the same thing with the wingtip lights and they also work.
- Ron and Dave are making racks to store all off the rod, tubing and all of the other long skinny stuff we have accumulated.
- Our F-4 is ready for Veterans Day. (2 Photos)
- And one of the Corsair’s elevators is getting close to getting skin.
- Horizontal stabilizers have been installed on the Corsair.
- I needed to get the parachute from our Super saber. And low and behold the canopy worked. Haven’t opened it in a year.
- We had a hanger full of vendors selling political memorabilia. “I Like Ike” buttons, etc.
- Ron and Dave are making racks to store all off the rod, tubing and all of the other long skinny stuff we have accumulated.
- Steve DeGroote from Columbus donated a radio controlled F-100D for the Super Sabre Museum (Super Sabre Memorial Exhibit). Everything functions on it including the canopy and drag chute.
- Last week, while I was gone, the Thunder Bird vertical stabilizer was moved from the restoration building. Thanks to all. Today, again with a bunch of help, the stabilizer was placed against the wall in the Super Sabre room and fastened.