Virtual Art Exhibit now on our YouTube Channel!
February 13, 2022
Saturday, April 23rd, MAPS will be Closed for a Private Event
February 27, 2022Above photo is Area 51, MAPS’ own restoration facility and Administrative offices.
From Ken Ramsay: On Tuesday, Dan and I traveled to the Yankee Air Museum in Michigan to pick up an M39, 20mm canon. Larry and Roy gave us a great tour of the museum, maintenance area and the restoration building. The following are some pictures I took:
- A Dauntless recovered from Lake Michigan. It was stationed at Glenview Naval Air Station (my home town) when it went down. It is displayed as it was found and the blue lighting flickers as if the plane was still under water. A fantastic display.
- Flying Mustang
- Flying Tri-Motor
- Try-Motor control cables on the outside of the fuselage
- Flying B-17
- The following photos were taken in the restoration area. F-86D.
- F-101
- RF-84F
- Connie
- F-100C
- Here is the M39 in our restoration building (it’s heavy).
- On Wednesday Dan & I did a final fitting of the new left F-86A windscreen and fabricated the mounting strips.
- (As of Saturday) Tom continues to fabricate the rudder for the Corsair.
- The Corsair’s elevators have been trial fitted. Dave is in the process of making some minor modification for a better fit. (Not my photo)
- Carl has begun work making molds to replicate M39 canons for some of our aircraft.
- We installed all of the panels on the Sabre and Kathy primed them to match the rest of the fuselage.
- And we did a trial assembly of the Sabre’s windscreen. Everything checked out except one trim piece which Dan remade.
- Sanding has begun on the flush patches on the F-105. Filling and final sanding is next.
- The H-19’s tail boom support structure has been trial fitted. Some adjusting is being done for a proper fit.