From Ken Ramsay:
- Our A/T-37 has its air refueling probe.
- The structure pieces that connect the Corsair’s wings to the fuselage have arrived (and photo on top). Some metal bending and welding are now required.
- The Corsair has a new star.
- Ray is assembling our aerial target called a dart. It will be hung in the hanger. Someone suggested that we put some bullet holes in it.
- We finished the final piece for the Sabre’s front windscreen assembly. We are now waiting on the left windscreen. I know it looks weird but the first F-86As had this configuration.
- Patches are still being removed from the F-105 (2 photos).
- This structure is in the top fuselage of the F-105. Anyone know what it is?
- Ken O. Is our nut and bolt savior. He spends hours sorting oll of the nuts and bolts that people and firms give us. A never ending job. Thanks Ken.
- Lighting panel has been installed in the Sabre’s cockpit, right side. Thanks to Al for the small lettering.