From Ken Ramsay:
- A centerline pylon is being fabricated for the F-105.
- Bill had the Corsair’s wheels power coated. They look fabulous.
- The upper surface of the Cutlass’s right outer wing has been stripped of the deteriorated skin and critter nests.
- Fitting the PVC sheet on the first section of the upper right wing.
- Using the PVC as a pattern the aluminum skin is laid out.
- The skin fits. Still needs some adjusting and cutouts for the hinge lugs.
- Jerry is working on the right wing slat. Lots of surface corrosion.
- Evelyn is doing a great job of restoring the Cutlass’s ejection seat. Cleaning is complete and a coat of primer has been applied.
- Some years ago, when we dedicated the A-26, I asked Garry’s wife what about a scantily clad lady nose art to go with the lettering. Barbara said “Oh, Gary would love that.” Well a few years later Gary’s Lady has her nose art, compliments of Megan Mellquist. Tracing the design onto the fuselage.
- Painting the first color.
- Starting to take shape (pun intended).
- Mixing colors.
- The lady is finished.
- The Lady and the Artist (by the way, Megan sewed the jump suit she is wearing).
- Tom has you cut the pieces for the Corsair’s leading edge wing strut.
- We have 3 students from Stoh High School helping us on the Cutlass.
- The first piece of skin has b been installed on the Cutlass right wing. After the adhesive sets all of the screws will be installed.
- Evelyn continues to work on the Cutlass ejection seat (2 photos plus top photo).
- Painting continues on the A-7.
- Paul is taking care of his F-84.