Job Openings at MAPS Air Museum
March 17, 2024
Renovation Activities ~ As of 3/31/24
March 31, 2024From Ken Ramsay:
- Pylons are being made for the F-105. Paul is working on the centerline pylon.
- Others are working on the wing pylons.
- Jerry is finishing up on the F-105’s nose wheel restoration. Hopefully it will hold air.
- The F-105’s nose wheel has been installed, only time will tell.
- Final surface preparation for the H-19 prior to final painting.
- The PVC for the final panel been fitted on the Cutlass right outer wing’s upper surface.
- And the aluminum sheet has been cut. Final fitting will occur once the wingtip has been installed.
- Jerry continues to work on the Cutlass right wing slat.
- And we have a new lifting machine which will be used this summer to clean aircraft vertical stabilizers of bird poop.
- We received a box of Corsair parts from California. Landing gear parts, and wing leading edges, which can just be seen at the lower edge of the box..
- Also in the box were two wing ailerons. Dave, Dennis and Bill have big grins.