Renovation Activities ~ As of 4/29/2024
April 29, 2024
Upcoming June Closure for Transformer updates
May 6, 2024From Ken Ramsay:
- Saturday night we had another High School Prom. We think the theme was something to do with the world as there globes on the tables and there was an Eiffel Tower, English Royal Guards, an Egyptian Mummy and a statue of David (4 photos).
- The Corsair’s right inner wing skin is getting to be riveted in place.
- An skin is being applied to one of the wing pylons.
- Support hardware is being installed on the F-105’s centerline pylon.
- And the H-19 has been lowered to facilitate its removal from the restoration building.
- Time to turn over the right outer wing of the Cutlass. All went well due to Jim’s excellent fork lift skills (5 photos, including the top photo).
- Examination of the bottom of the wing shows a great deal of yuk (3 photos). We have our work cut out for us.
- The wing outer slat is full of corrosion holes. Rather than removing and replacing the skin (hundreds of rivets) we elected to fill the interior with foam hoping it will support the epoxy filler used to fill the holes. We will see.