Happy Memorial Day
May 30, 2022
Renovation Activities ~ As of 6/28/22
June 28, 2022From Ken Ramsay:
- Work continues on the F-105. Damage to the wings is being addressed (3 photos)
- The left wingtip needs a little work.
- The ailerons are coming along for the F-105.
- We raised up the Sabre in order to remove the aft support and modify it to lower the aft end so the vertical stab will clear the door when we move the plane out for final assembly.
- Carl modified the wood cradle to lower it on the frame.
- Ron did some welding on the frame to improve its usability. The aft end is now lower as shown by the mark on my forehead as I ran into the elevator.
- Last week Dan and I made paper patterns for the five foot panel that goes on the bottom of the wing support structure. I cut out one half for trial fit.
- Tom made and then installed spacers for the Corsair’s wing structure (top photo also).
- We now have an A-37 on display.
- Carl is making 500 lb slick bombs.
- John, Bruce and Tom suspended the large Helldiver (SN2C) in the hanger.