MAPS will be closed July 26th, 2022 for Private Event
July 7, 2022MAPS Acquires a Piper J3L Cub ~ N21440
July 26, 2022From Ken Ramsay:
The Board of directors had a special meeting on Wednesday. The subject was the Chairman of the Board. We held an election and Dennis Bachtel is the new Chairman and Valerie Kinney is the new Vice Chair. Congratulations.
(Photo above) The T-33 fuselage we have had for a number of years is headed to its final resting place, or as we pilots say, “heading west.”
- We installed the position light fixture on the F-86A’s belly panel.
- Kathy Jo got some silver paint (Silverbrite by Sherwin Williams). Data says it should work well on our primer. She painted the belly panel as a trial.
- We are missing one aileron hinge on the F-86A so one is being fabricated in my basement.
- The new aileron has been installed on the F-105’s right wing.
- Dave is fabricating one of the Corsair’s aft wing struts.
- The H-19’s engine is getting its cooling shroud.
- The hanger plantings look great.
- The T-28 is getting its nose paint reworked.
- Our field hospital now has a waiting room.