From Ken Ramsay:
Excerpt from Scott Denniss on the new Canvas painting in the lobby of the MAPS Air Museum (1st photo below): “This is the latest addition to the main lobby at the MAPS Air Museum. It is an oversize print on canvas of the painting “Semper Fi Skies” by the artist John Shaw. The original idea came from Drew Maser and he coordinated it with John who also happens to be a good friend. Ray Weber designed and built the mounting system and frame. Bill Drotos tracked down the huge piece of plexiglass to protect it and cut it to size. Several members were on hand today to help in getting it together and up on the wall.
Hats off and much appreciation to everyone involved in getting this project done. Excellent work by all.
John Shaw also sent along 75 numbered and signed, MAPS limited edition artist prints each with a COA. They will be available soon through the Museum.”
- The large Corsair print has been installed in the hanger lobby.
- Lots of 1/4 inch holes being drilled in the Corsair’s new steel wing spar.
- The lower light fixture has been installed in the Sabre’s belly panel and tested.
- And the belly panel has been painted silver for paint evaluation.
- One of the Sabre’s aileron hinge was missing. Had to fabricate a new one (photo on top too).
- The Sabre’s wing tips have been installed (screaming and kicking) and the tip lights tested.
- There was only one flap track installed on the Sabre’s wing. But Chet had the other 3 so we began learning how the track/flap interface worked.
- More holes being drilled in the Corsair’s wing struts. This is the under side.
- And Dave continues to work on the Corsair’s aft wing struts.
- This is our Star Wars trooper doing some painting on some F-86A panels. Actually it is Kathy Jo who is doing a bang-up job.
- While I was in the lobby I took photos of the other displays for those of you that haven’t been to MAPS in a while.
- This is a tribute to Sharon Lane the only woman killed in Vietnam due to hostile fire.