Acquisition Day ~ F-104 Starfighter
August 11, 2024
Renovation Activities ~ As of 8/25/24
August 25, 2024From Ken Ramsay:
- The V-1 is coming along. The engine is being worked on.
- And the body will need to be modified (2 photos).
- Engine mounted to body and pattern for the aft end cone is created.
- Cone being rolled.
- Assembled.
- And fitted.
- Skinning of the J-3 Cub’s airfoil surfaces continues (2 photos).
- Dave testing the Corsair’s wing fold mechanism with about 200 pounds of weight. Worked like a charm.
- The first of three doors on the Cutlass right wing has been fitted, drilled and screwed down.
- Jerry completed repairs on one of the Cutlass slats.
- He has his work cut out for him on this slat.
- The first panel is being fitted to the bottom of the Cutlass right outer wing.
- And that panel has been assembled and glued.
- The water fountain in the garden area was no longer serviceable so a new one, fitting to MAPS, was fabricated and installed.