Renovation Activities ~ As of 9/5/21
September 5, 2021
Renovation Activities ~ As of 9/19/21
September 19, 2021From Ken Ramsay:
We start off with a gaggle of T-34s that visited us on Saturday. They performed fly-bys around the Akron-canton area. Excellent looking airplanes. Photos 2-4 courtesy of Scott Denniss.
- Work continues on the phantom, final painting and adding markings and insignia.
- Dan installed the door on the H-19 and applied a coat of primer.
- Jodie is using his skills learned restoring our F-102 on the H-19
- The rudder for the Super Sabre Museum’s vertical stabilizer has been painted. Stars come next.
- Paul finished the tail hook on the F-105. We can now put the aft section in storage until the front is ready for assembly.
- Many of the door panels on the F-105 have severe corrosion. They will be removed and remade or restored (2 photos).
- In addition to painting the Corsair’s aft fuselage, Ray is now painting the horizontal stabilizers.
- And Dave continues to fabricate the elevators.