Covic-19 restrictions at MAPS Air Museum ~ 11-19-20
November 19, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
November 25, 2020From Ken Ramsay:
The virus is keeping some volunteers away but work continues on many fronts. The weather is getting cooler, but still warm enough to get some outside work done. We are closing the museum to the public until after the holidays. Volunteers will still be able to work on their projects. I wish you all a very nice and safe Thanksgiving, just me Sharon and the turkey this year.
- Chet is cleaning up the canopy for the F-86A. Looks like it is going to be clear once the protective layer is removed.
- Some Boy Scouts visited last Saturday and Dennis showed them how to use Clecos. What greater place to practice than on the Corsair’s aft fuselage.
- Ron is making a panel that is missing on the OV-1 and a replacement cannot be located. The opposite panel is in the background and is being used as a guide, although everything on the new panel is reversed.
- The missing flaps that were picked up in Minnesota a couple of weeks ago have been installed on the OV-1.
- Paul, Terry and I installed the final skins on the F-105’s stabilator. Now comes sanding, body putty, more sanding and painting. (Wed)
- We finished the sheet metal work on the underside of the F-105’s stabilator and applied a coat of primer. We still have some work to do on the tips and the top side. (Sat)
- The first Sparrow is complete and should be hung on Saturday, weather permitting. Excellent work by Dave and Carl. (Wed)
- The first Sparrow missile has been installed on our F-4 Phantom. A bunch more are in the works. (Sat)
- The view from the bar is still great.
- Walls are going up in the hangers second floor, north side. The rooms will house more exciting exhibits. Thank you Jim & Bill.
- The OV-1 has its cockpit canopy. Not sure how they hoisted up, but no one got hurt. Well done guys.
- Speaking of ordnance, the refurbished rocket pod has been installed on the F-86D. The weather will not effect the new mounts.
- Speaking of the F-105, it lost its tail. The aft section was removed so it and the vertical stabilizer/rudder can be repaired/restored over the winter. Only 4 studs and nuts hold the aft section to the fuselage, similar to the F-100. The vertical stabilizer was then removed from the aft section.