“The Briefing” Newsletter ~ Mar 2021 – May 2021 (Volume 32, Issue 1)
March 1, 2021
Renovation Activities ~ Week Ending 3/14/21
March 14, 2021From Debbie Bussinger: Due to the museum now being able to use the new banquet hall for meeting, this freed up the Library to be reconfigured to be a bit more user-friendly for Library purposes. In addition, they now have a more modern Welcome desk.
- New Welcome Desk!
- Visitor tables now available.
From Ronald Schultz: The MAPS website is going through some updates/alterations. The Aircraft category drop-down menu has been altered from “Fighters, Bombers, Specialty, etc..” to ERA’s of Aviation with each aircraft inserted based on their Introduction-to-service timeframe. Those Era’s are: Pioneer, World War I, Golden Age, World War II, Post-War: Korea, Post-War: Vietnam and Digital. And yes, we DO have an aircraft for each Era!
Additional photos are being utilized to spruce up the website. Also, don’t forget to sign-up for email notifications or the quarterly newsletter, The Briefing, if interested.
Photo above is now on the sub-header of the renovated, Post-War Era: Korea
From Ken Ramsay: Today was clean-up day so we spent an hour or so sweeping up and getting rid of stuff not needed. The restoration building always looks nice after clean-up day.
- Bill is working on the H-19’s instrument panel. It was in really bad shape and missing most of the instruments. It is coming along piece by piece.
- I finished replacing the severely damaged panel on the F-105’s aft fuselage. The panel was easy, the triangular piece that is attached was a sonofagun.
- The carpeting has been installed in the new exhibit rooms. This is a photo of the room that will house the Super Sabre Memorial Exhibit (SSME).
- This week’s featured aircraft.