Armed Forces Day ~ Thank you for your continued service!
May 15, 2021
Tomorrow…An Unknown Quantity: The Work of Lee Kessler
May 24, 2021From Ken Ramsay:
- The F-105 has been moved next to the hanger so it can be worked on near electricity and other utilities.
- Paul and I are finishing up the F-105’s vertical stab and rudder. A couple more sessions should do it.
- The Corsair’s tail wheel doors are taking shape. Much riveting required.
- With a little primer the H-19 looks less like an Airstream. It’s come a long way. (Photo above also.)
- The F-4 Phantom now has a full compliment of Sparrow missiles (4).
- More work in the banquet hall. The bar stools are in place.
- We now have a new lectern with a restoration theme.
- The OV-1 is overseeing a wedding tonight.