Renovation Activities ~ 9/27/20
September 27, 2020
Renovation Activities ~ 10/15/20
October 15, 2020From Ken Ramsay (the past Saturday and Wednesday):
Saturday was restoration clean-up morning. Thanks to all for keeping our area reasonably clean and neat. It is a tough job with all that is going on.
- Dennis, Bill and Jim raised the Corsair so that work can be accomplished on the underside and wing supports. The new stand has wheels so the plane can be moved easily.
- Carl has finished fitting the first nose cone for the Sparrow missiles. Only 7 more to go.
- Ron successfully welded the T-37’s canopy support which was broken during the wind storm a couple of months ago. Same storm that damaged the Drake and F-102.
- Dan is making a new actuator cover for the right elevon on the F-102 to replace the damaged one.
- I started fitting the mount rail to the F-102’s elevon. Installed a few screws to see things were fitting. So far so good. (Then) I have the attachment rail for the F-102’s elevon assembled. Now comes the strengthening of the elevon and screwing on the rail.
- We have named our newest aircraft courtesy of Jim Jackson.
- The 50 Cals for the F-86 are coming along. Compared to a real 50 cal, ours are dead on.
- The casters have been installed on the Corsair support stand. Next comes attachment to the airframe.
- The engine cowling has been installed on the OV-1’s engines. Went on screaming and kicking just like the A-26. We are missing a few pieces.
- The small J57 demo engine is up and running. A switch turns it on and buttons can be pressed to highlight various section of the engine. Very cool. Thanks Carl.
- Paul is fitting the final leading edge skin to the F-105’s horizontal stabilizer. Since it will be screwed on, proper fit is crucial.
- In our last wind storm the canopy of the T-37 was blown off and damaged. Going to be an interesting repair.