Renovation Activities ~ 12/21/19
December 21, 2019Renovation Activities ~ 12/29/19
December 29, 2019From Ken Ramsay:
Ron finished up the F-105 tank tail fins by filling the tips with fiber body putty and then a bunch of sanding. He then applied a coat of primer (photos). They are now ready for installation and painting.
I finished making two side panels for the tank pylons. They will be ready for installation when I return on 1/4.
Ron and I installed one pylon leading edge (photo). Ron had previously cut it to shape and bent it to form. The photo shows the right tank is ready for extensive sanding and then paint.
Dennis hosted some Boy Scouts for the morning. They participated in the Corsair build (photos). They had a great time and learned a lot about aircraft structure and manufacture.
The OV-1 now has the anti glare coat applied to the nose (photo). The windshield wipers and pitot tube can also be seen.
Speaking of the Corsair, Dave is starting to assemble one of the horizontal stabilizers (photo).
Kim has begun to pack the hanger. Will be full of aircraft by Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you and have a great 2020.
Select photos from Richard Willaman: