Renovation Activities ~ As of 1/3/24
January 3, 2024
Renovation Activities ~ As of 1/30/2024
January 30, 2024From Ken Ramsay:
- The skin on the Cutlass canopy right side is finished last week.
- The left side of the canopy skin was finished today. Here are 4 photos showing the progression, top photo is the finished product!)
- Ron is creating fuselage supports for the Cutlass. Once installed we will be able to move the fuselage into the restoration building.
- The H-19’s top screen panel is in need of some new framing and screening.
- And the upper transmission cover is being fitted.
- We have a ghost plane.
- Corsair wing fold parts being primed.
- Compound curve trailing edge skin being fitted to the Corsair’s inner wing.
- Ken (not me) is making floor boards for the J-3 Cub.
- And the Cub’s wing structure is in the final stages of restoration.
- The canopy of the F9F-8P Cougar has been removed. New member, Liam, is going to restore the cockpit.