From Ken Ramsay:
- I finished patching the right side of the F-105’s aft fuselage. Lots of rivets. Need one large panel to complete the left side.
- Paul and Carl are fabricating an afterburner nozzle hinge cover. Multi-contours makes the cover an interesting challenge. (and photo above)
- Kent is in the final painting of the F-86D’s nose cone.
- Chet is repainting the star on the Beech.
- Work continues on the H-19. Damaged skin is being removed as new skin is being installed.
- Right side.
- Left side with a little humor.
- And work also continues on the F-102. The tail and right tank have been cleaned, sanded and primed.
- And today the restored flaperon was installed. Three mounting bolts just could not be installed even though the new spar was trial fitted before the flaperon was completed. Very tight space to install the mount bolts. Jodie and Terry will figure it out.
- Once all of the mount bolts are installed the flaperon will be bolted in place (see the small hole in the fuselage?)
- The upper rooms in the hanger have been primed. Painting should be next. This is the Super Sabre room. I had to use a flash so there are all sorts of reflections.
- And the Super Sabre room entrance.