Renovation Activities ~ week ending 12/13/20
December 12, 2020
A Message from our Executive Director for the Holidays
December 22, 2020From Ken Ramsay:
- We decided to replace entire skin panels on the F-105’s aft fuselage rather than make individual patches. This is the first panel to be removed. Lots of rivets to be drilled out and there is shim material under the panel which needs to me marked for reinstallation. The hand of Larry.
- The H-19 crew continues to make progress. The skin and air screen in front of the windscreen have been removed and Dennis began fitting new skin. The air screen will be a challenge. (Photo at top also)
- Chet installed the guns in the F-86A. Do they look real or what?
- Carl continues to work on the T-37A’s canopy. It has been repaired, sanded and now has the first coat of paint on it.
- Kent is repairing the radome on the F-86D. It had started to delaminate and crack so he removed it and is doing an epoxy repair. Should last many years.
- Kent also removed the upper nose panel and is cleaning and painting the inside of it.
- Ray kept busy making what I call doo-dads for the Corsair. Actually they are ribs for the tail wheel doors, bunches of ribs.
- The AIM-4F Falcon missile is coming along in my basement. The nose cone is next.