MAPS Air Museum Re-Opening Plans
February 11, 2021
Renovation Activities ~ Week Ending 2/21/21
February 23, 2021From Ken Ramsay: At today’s membership meeting, Kim presented a review of 2020. Yes, things had gone to hell in a hand basket, but for 2021 we are implementing programs to make this year successful for MAPS.
- Some panels are missing from the F-105’s afterburner area. So far I have made 2 replacement panels, but how to make shiny aluminum look like titanium. Run the panels through my dishwasher a couple of time. Gives a nice grayish brown patina to the aluminum. I have no idea why, but it works
- Lots of work on the F-102. The crew is painting it in the traditional camo colors. The underside will be light gray. (Photo above also.)
- Bill and Carl are working on replacing the damaged windscreens on the F-102.
- The Eagle Scout candidate and his crew painted the guard shack which is his Eagle project.
- High altitude work on the H-19. I’m told that it is warm up there.
- Featured aircraft of the week.