Memorial Day 2021
May 31, 2021
MAPS Information, including opening another day!
June 19, 2021I was out of town last week, so I was not able to post Ken’s information. Here are photos from 6/6/21 AND 6/13/21! Below, you will also see photos from the 11th Annual Car Show Benefit!
From Ken Ramsay (6/6/21):
- The drake repair has been primed. Painting will be next. Check out that excellent riveting job.
- Dennis has begun riveting the top skin on the Corsair’s aft fuselage.
- Carl has repaired and reinstalled the canopy on our T-37A.
- Bill is fabrication tips for the F-86A’s horizontal stabilizer. Small compound curves are not easy.
- Jodie is putting his F-102 skills to work in the H-19.
- On the F-105 front, we primed the lefts side of the vertical stabilizer last Wednesday.
- Then today we turned it over (thanks for the muscle help guys) to put the finishing touches on the right side. It will be primed next Wednesday.
- Work has begun on the F-105 fuselage. Patch rivets are being cut prior to driving them out. The areas will be repaired with flush patches.
- Wing skin missing.
- And the left wingtip is need of some repair.
From Ken Ramsay (6/13/21); Today we had a great car show at MAPS. I’m told we had over 460 (Kent Kleinknecht has stated a record of 471!) cars in the show. Plus we had a bunch of visitors to the show. The following 4 photos show the extent of the show:
- View of the ramp from inside the hanger.
- View from our banquet room looking east.
- View from our banquet room looking east.
- Lots of work being accomplished on our F-105. The vertical stabilizer is complete and primed on both sides. Working on the position light assembly.
- We found some more aft fuselage parts on a shelf and Paul is working to incorporate them into the structure.
- The patches on the forward fuselage are being removed showing some damage.
- Kent has finished patching the F-101’s flaps. We sure use a lot of primer.
- John is working to repair the wiring on our 40 MM canon. The goal is to get all of the lights working for towing purposes.
- We have a replica P-47 on the flight line. It was removed from the 100 Bomb Wing restaurant near Hopkins Airport. It hasn’t been sold yet, so we are hoping.
- Featured airplane of the week.