Media Coverage of Veterans Celebration VII
November 13, 2019
Renovation Activities ~ 11-18-19
November 18, 2019From Ken Ramsay:
One of the F-105’s 450 gallon drop tanks has been brought in for restoration. Needs a new tail cone, patches removed and fixed properly, dents removed, etc. (2 photos). I removed the make-shift tail cone and ran the dimensions through my cone app and will have a pattern for a new cone on Saturday.
The F-101 is being cleaned up and painted. Most of the cleaning and sanding is complete and primer is being applied (3 photos).
Riveting is complete on the nose of the F-86 (photo). Doesn’t look like a porcupine any more. Sanding and filling are next.
PLCC is coming along on the H-19 helicopter. Nose compartment door is almost completely skinned and the upper tail boom is skinned (2 photos).
We are getting new heaters in the restoration building, yea (photo). The old ones are inefficient and leaking.
Christmas tree is up and lit with attention paid to it by Valarie (photo).