A-26 Invader Update ~ 2/28/2019
February 28, 2019
Restoration Update on A-26, OV-1 & FG-1/F4U ~ 3/10/19
March 10, 2019From Ken Ramsay:
Last Saturday I began installing a wood boards in the aft section to make it easier to work back there.
Today I finished the job and laid some carpet on the boards to be easier on the knees (photo).
Utilizing the comfort of the aft section I, along with Mark and Bob, hooked up the elevator and rudder cables. Two of the 4 elevator cables connected fine using the connectors that came on the cables. The other two I had to attach some extra cable to fill the gap and add a turn buckle for adjustment. The two rudder cables were plenty long and only required adding adjustment turn buckles. With Bob in the cockpit manning the controls, Mark looking at the position of the elevators and rudder and me adjusting the cables wet got them all working with the control stick and rudder pedals in the proper position. The cables can be seen in the photo also.
I contacted the Print Shop and they will print the Hamilton Standard labels for our propeller blades. I emailed the design to them this evening.