June 13th MAPS Members meeting information
June 5, 2020
Volunteers/Member/Guest access update!
June 15, 2020MAPS Air Museum Fundraiser with Music by LaFlavour
6/20/2020 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm – Doors open at 5:00 pm
Come enjoy the music of LaFlavour at this MAPS Air Museum fundraiser in our main hangar.
We will be following the mandatory state requirements for COVID-19 pandemic.
The cost of each ticket is $10. There will be a limit of 300 tickets sold.
Go to Eventbrite to order your tickets!
As required, there will be a health screening. The wearing of masks by visitors is highly suggested but not required. Social distancing will be established and tables will be available for groups up to 10 visitors.
Seating is available by group size on a first come first serve basis. Visitors will be requested to remain in their designated areas or maintain 6 feet distance at all times, inside or outside of the hangar.
Each group can bring your own food and drinks but there can be no sharing between groups.
NO ALCOHOL will be permitted. MAPS will sell pop, water, and prepackaged snacks.
Here is a sneak peak at LaFlavour!
www.Laflavour.com link to Laflavour’s website.
MAPS Air Museum
2260 International Parkway
North Canton, Ohio 44720