Renovation Activities ~ 2/27/2020
February 27, 2020
Renovation Activities ~ 3/9/20
March 9, 2020From Ken Ramsay:
Snoopy is searching for the Red Baron (photo).
Our graphics department made some excellent labels for the F-105 tanks (photo). The tanks are almost finished.
The wings for the BT-13 are being trial fitted (2 photos). John wants to verify installation procedures and take measurement for the aileron cables. The right wing was the first to be installed.
The H-19’s tail section has been rolled over. The top skinning is complete, however the bottom is going to be a real challenge for the students (photo above and below).
For the past few weeks the OV-1 team has been trying to remove the cockpit’s top cover frame in order to replace the Plexiglas. They were not successful. John
Gilbert did some research and found a guy in Florida that has 3 OV-1s flying. John contacted him and he told John to remove the belly pan, connect a socket wrench to a lug, turn the wrench which unlocks the top frame. They tried it and the frame came off very nicely (photo).
We reinstalled the F-100’s instrument panel after correcting some damage. I then vacuumed the cockpit, removing a lot of trash and found a couple of missing parts. The difficulty in cleaning the cockpit makes me really appreciate the military ground crews that took care of our aircraft. Ron and I then ran a direct ground wire from the battery to the canopy actuator. That made it work a little better but not the way I want it to. More trouble shooting.
Random photos from Rick Willaman: