Renovation Activities ~ As of 7/28/21
July 28, 2021
Renovation Activities ~ As of 8/8/21
August 8, 2021From Ken Ramsay:
- Dave has begun to rivet the Corsair’s elevator spar assembly. Lots of small pieces and there are two of them.
- We primed the F-105’s aft fuselage.
- We now need to rotate it somewhat to prime the underside we could not get to.
- The F-4 is getting its new coat of paint.
- The H-19’s engine exhaust system seems to be quite a puzzle.
- Our century series
- This week’s featured airplane
From Ronald Schultz:
Check out the updated upcoming events at MAPS Air Museum.

Don’t forget, if you are needing to properly dispose a flag, deposit the flag into MAPS drop box and the flag will be properly retired