Before & After Photos of MAPS aircraft
August 26, 2020
Renovation Activities ~ 9/3/20
September 3, 2020Photo above: the A-4 simulator.
From Ken Ramsay:
Starting in September we are going to resume the monthly cleaning of the restoration building. So on September the 5th we will take a couple of hours and clean the place.
I took today’s photos after all of the lights were turned off and everybody left while I was on the flight line.
- Dave is currently working on the rocket nozzles for the Sparrow Missiles.
- After cleaning and sanding, Chet is painting the Beech’s engine cowl.
- Dennis is installing the next panel on the Corsair.
- Paul (new member) and I applied body putty and sanded the F-105’s stabilator leading edge. A little touch-up and it will be ready to prime. Kent is working on the other leading edge removing the patches and getting it ready for new skin.
- The left hand LAU-61 rocket pot has been completed and installed on the Cobra. The casing was finish painted this morning and then the rockets installed. Ron, Paul and I then wheeled it out to the Cobra and installed it (took twice as it dropped off on the first install and dented the case).
- More work on the OV-1. The engines have been cleaned, the tail marking finished and lettering added to the forward fuselage (black paint on dark green is hard to photograph without any light).
From Richard Willaman:
Hello, The update from the radio section. The display for the PBY is coming together. GO-9 transmitter, BC-348Q, Throat mic, headphone, and microphone are displayed. Not sure if the Morse Code key was a J-37 or J-38 missing.
The idea is to rotate radio equipment in the show cases. Donations sure do help. Thank you Ted, today for the radio accessories. They will help with the Vietnam display.
Will keep on show case open for Ham Radio. Ham Radio operator sure did a great job during WWII. They helped design radios, trained operators, and out in the field as operators.
The CAK 5k, North Canton Beerfest and the Vettes & Jettes events have been cancelled.