Restoration/Event Activity Update 9-26-19
September 26, 2019
Restoration/Event Activity Update 10-7-19
October 7, 2019From Ken Ramsay:
This was Scout Week-end so most of my time was spent teaching pre-flight to the scouts. In addition to boys, we had 2 lady scout troops. A little over 100 scouts, very nice group, well behaved and interested in the program.
Ron and I installed the remaining 2 AN-M57 250 LB bombs in the A-26 bomb bay (photos). That’s 10 in all. Looks cool, if I do say so myself. While I was carrying the last bomb from the restoration building to the A-26 via the parking lot a car was entering the parking lot and came to a screeching halt when he saw me.
We have an order for 5 bombs for the B-26.
John and crew have masked the BT-13 in preparation for painting blue (photos). It is going to be spectacular.
Random photos from Richard Willaman: